Tuesday, July 16, 2019

With a Mountain Before You

Do you ever argue with God?

"I can't do this...."
"What you're asking is too much...."
"This is impossible...."

Sometimes life just doesn't make sense to us, and we grapple to find hope or purpose when there's a mountain before us. Much-Afraid, in Hinds' Feet for High Places, showcases the same struggle:

“Oh Shepherd, you said you would make my feet like hinds’ feet and set me upon High Places.”

“Well,” he answered cheerily, “the only way to develop hinds’ feet is to go by the path which the hinds use—like this one.”

Much-Afraid trembled and looked at him shamefacedly. “I don’t think...I want...hinds’ feet, if it means I have to go on a path like that,” she answered painfully.

“Oh yes you do,” he answered cheerfully. “I know you better than you know yourself, Much-Afraid. You want it very much indeed, and I promise you these hinds’ feet.

“But I never dreamed you would do anything like this! Lead me to an impassable precipice up which nothing can go but deer and goats, when I’m no more like a deer or a goat than is a jellyfish… Why it’s too preposterously absurd! Whatever will you do next?”

“I love doing preposterous things,” the Shepherd replied, “Why, I don’t know anything more exhilarating and delightful than turning weakness into strength, and fear into faith, and that which has been marred into perfection.”
Hinds’ Feet on High Places, Hannah Hurnard

Like Much-Afraid. sometimes it seems like God asks too much of me—that it's "preposterous". Or at times, I don't desire the end result enough to motivate me through the painful process.

But you know what's comforting in the midst of the mountains we don't want to climb?

It's not up to us.

While that can seem incredibly discouraging to our control-crazy selves, this is actually a wonderful benefit to us.

God always provides circumstances what will be best for us in the long-run. Not temporarily easy circumstances or perhaps what we want. But He is a loving Father who always does things for our good. He sees all, while we see only a tiny portion. God's not punishing us; He's doing what He knows will bring the greatest good.

If we surrender our wills and let Him gently push us in areas we don't want to go, we will bear greater fruit and benefit in our lives than we ever thought possible.

Let's trust Him. Let's rest in His goodness and care. That mountain may feel impossible, but God delights in revealing His strength in the impossible.

Monday, July 15, 2019

One Year Anniversary of Hope and Help for Chronic Illness!

This month marks the one year anniversary of Hope and Help for Chronic Illness! This was my first published writing endeavor, so it is a sweet memory for me.

I'm still in awe of how God orchestrated the writing and publishing of that booklet (read more of the story here).

You see, I too was given the hard blessing of chronic illness. But through the most difficult years, I have experienced God’s sustaining grace in deeper ways than ever before. And so I am thankful.

If you are facing chronic illness, my heart goes out to you. It is not an easy road. You may wonder if you will make it another day, or another week. But the hands that are holding you are strong, and will not fail you. There is hope in the pain.

If you or someone you know battles chronic illness, could I encourage you to look into Hope and Help for Chronic Illness?

You can purchase from Amazon, Focus Publishing, or Christianbook.com.

Also, check out the recent booklet review on the Biblical Counseling Coalition.

Monday, July 1, 2019

When Trusting Jesus Isn't Sweet

“Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” 
- The Princess Bride

It's funny... and yet piercingly true, right?

Life in a broken world overflows with difficulty. Pain. Heartache. Disappointment. Broken relationships. Failed health. Crushed dreams.

Have you found that trusting Jesus is more terrifying and even agonizing than you ever imagined? That the joy you were told trust would produce is not the reality in your heart?

You're not alone. This is a common struggle, especially in long seasons of suffering.

It isn’t easy to trust in the dark, to surrender our will and release control. Yet in the darkness, God  becomes our light (Ps. 112:4, 18:28). He longs to bring us to a place of security and rest much more satisfying than our push for our own little kingdoms.

Today, trusting Jesus doesn’t have to be "sweet". You don't have to fake happiness and joy. It's ok to wrestle or grieve the pain you encounter. Give yourself grace to process and time to learn trust in the caring Father.

But even in your wrestling, keep clinging to God's promises. 

Actively choose to trust His goodness, despite the deep pain and heartache (Ps. 28:7). Even though it may feel like He is against you, remind yourself of the truth that He is always for His children (Rom. 8:31). That everything He does is good (Ps. 119:68). Find truth that you can rest your life on and hold onto it with everything you have. Run to the Father who loves you and walks with you:
"Suffering can decimate your faith and leave you with life-altering doubts about the goodness and power of God. So in your suffering, doubt is a battle worth fighting. Remember, you never fight this battle alone but with the strength that is yours because of the presence and power of the One who gave his life so that you would have everything you need even in the darkest of moments in this fallen world. Cry out to your Lord. He hears; he really does. Run to him; he cares and will not turn his back on you in your moment of need." Paul Tripp 
Through that wrestling and clinging in the darkness, God does His deepest, most beautiful work. He gently brings your heart to a place of rest. So even if today trusting Jesus isn't sweet, one day you will be able to sing:
'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord!"
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
-'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Oh for grace to trust Him more. We all need that grace today.