Friday, February 22, 2019

To the One Sick of Enduring...

Dear weary one,

I don't know exactly what you're walking through, but I sympathize with your agony and desperation. Life is unbearably hard sometimes. There are days it doesn't seem worth it to face the ongoing pain of suffering, health problems, relationships, ministry, or life.

It’s normal to be weary and want the suffering to end. The Psalmist himself wrestled:

“I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; 
I drench my couch with my weeping.” Psalm 6:6

Some days I’m weary with the cost too. The cost of following Christ. The cost of cross-bearing.

It’s ok to struggle. To be tired of enduring. But don’t give up. Look up.

"When I am weary with the cost
I see the triumph of the cross
So in its shadow I shall run
Til you complete the work begun"
When Trials Come

Looking to Jesus and His finished work on the cross propels us to endure when all around seems hopeless (Heb. 12:3). He gives us hope to continue to do what's right when we can't see results (Gal. 6:9). God also uses those desperate circumstances to teach us to rely on Him (2 Cor. 1:8-9). If we endure, we will reign with Him (2 Tim. 2:12).

And you know what else? Jesus promises rest in the midst of your heavy burdens and weariness:

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

The gospel brings freedom from sin, purpose to our pain, and glorious future hope. May the triumph of the cross, the truth that Jesus faced the worst suffering on your behalf to save you from eternal suffering, give hope to you in your weariness today.

God provides fresh grace to endure the challenges of each day. He holds you fast when all you want to do is give up. Don't lose heart: He is redeeming and restoring. There is purpose in the heartache and brokenness. If you find yourself sick of enduring today, look to Jesus to find rest and hope.

- A fellow traveler seeking to endure

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